Building a Reliable Event-Driven Architecture with RabbitMQ in Node.js

Abdou-Raouf ATARMLA
4 min read1 hour ago


Example of event-driven architecture

Building a Reliable Event-Driven Architecture with RabbitMQ in Node.js


In modern software systems, event-driven architecture is at the heart of scalability, flexibility, and resilience. This architecture allows services to communicate asynchronously, decoupling them and enabling independent scaling. However, implementing such systems is not trivial. Developers face challenges like:

  • Ensuring message delivery.
  • Handling retries and dead-letter queues.
  • Managing idempotency to avoid duplicate processing.
  • Decoupling services while maintaining robust communication.

This article introduces the @nodesandbox/event-bus package, a custom library for implementing an event-driven system with RabbitMQ in pure Node.js. We’ll also walk you through a practical example: an e-commerce system with services like orders, inventory, payments, and notifications.

Why Event-Driven Architecture?

Event-driven architecture enables:

  1. Decoupling: Services don’t need to know about each other. They publish and subscribe to events, reducing interdependence.
  2. Scalability: Each service can scale independently based on its workload.
  3. Resilience: Failures in one service don’t cascade. Events can be retried or stored for later processing.

RabbitMQ, a robust and widely used message broker, is perfect for implementing such systems. It provides reliable message delivery, flexible routing, and an ecosystem of tools for monitoring and debugging.

Presenting the RabbitMQ Event Bus Package

When working with frameworks like NestJS, developers benefit from built-in tools for message-driven microservices. However, for those using pure Node.js, the landscape feels sparse, leaving developers to either build their own solutions or use low-level libraries like amqplib.

The @nodesandbox/event-bus package was created to bridge this gap, offering a lightweight and flexible library for implementing event-driven communication in Node.js applications.

Key Features

  • Built for Pure Node.js: Ideal for developers who prefer standalone Node.js applications over frameworks.
  • Powered by RabbitMQ: Currently, the package focuses on RabbitMQ as the message broker, leveraging its reliability and features.
  • Advanced Features:
  • Dead Letter Queues (DLQs) for unprocessed messages.
  • Retries with configurable delays for transient failures.
  • Idempotency Handling to prevent duplicate processing.
  • Dynamic Configuration for persistence, routing, and more.

A Work in Progress: What’s Next?

The package is actively evolving to include:

  1. Support for More Brokers:
  • Adding support for popular brokers like Kafka, Redis Streams, and more.
  1. Enhanced Developer Control:
  • Customizable message stores (e.g., in-memory, Redis, databases).
  • Advanced retry and monitoring configurations.
  1. A Growing Ecosystem:
  • A focus on simplicity and extensibility makes it easy to integrate into any Node.js setup.

The Sample Project: E-commerce System

To showcase the power of this package, we built a sample e-commerce system with the following microservices:

  1. Order Service: Handles order creation and updates.
  2. Inventory Service: Manages stock availability and reservations.
  3. Payment Service: Processes payments and notifies about their status.
  4. Notification Service: Sends notifications based on events.

Each service communicates asynchronously through RabbitMQ, ensuring decoupling and fault tolerance.

Architecture Overview

Here’s the architecture of our sample system:

+---------------+      +-----------------+      +------------------+      +-------------------+
| Order | ---> | Inventory | ---> | Payment | ---> | Notification |
| Service | | Service | | Service | | Service |
+---------------+ +-----------------+ +------------------+ +-------------------+

Each service publishes and consumes events relevant to its domain. For instance:

  • The Order Service creates an order and publishes order.created.
  • The Inventory Service checks stock availability and publishes stock.reserved.
  • The Payment Service processes payments and notifies whether they succeeded or failed.
  • The Notification Service listens to all events and generates notifications.

Hands-On: Building the Event-Driven System

Step 1: Setting Up RabbitMQ

Start RabbitMQ locally or using Docker:

docker run -d --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:management

Access the RabbitMQ Management UI at http://localhost:15672/.
Login: guest, Password: guest.

Step 2: Installing the Package

Install the package in your Node.js services:

npm install @nodesandbox/event-bus

Step 3: Implementing the Order Service

The Order Service publishes events for order creation and stock checks:

import { RabbitMQEventBus, EventFactory } from '@nodesandbox/event-bus';
import express from 'express';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';

const app = express();
const eventBus = new RabbitMQEventBus({
connection: { url: 'amqp://localhost:5672' },
producer: { persistent: true },
});'/orders', async (req, res) => {
const orderId = uuid();
const event = EventFactory.create('order.created', { orderId });
await eventBus.publish(event);
res.status(201).json({ orderId });

await eventBus.init();
app.listen(3001, () => console.log('Order Service running on port 3001'));

Step 4: Implementing the Inventory Service

The Inventory Service subscribes to events like stock.check and updates stock availability:

await eventBus.subscribe(['stock.check'], async (event) => {
const { orderId, items } =;
const allAvailable = items.every(item => checkStock(item.productId, item.quantity));

if (allAvailable) {
const stockReservedEvent = EventFactory.create('stock.reserved', { orderId });
await eventBus.publish(stockReservedEvent);
} else {
const stockUnavailableEvent = EventFactory.create('stock.unavailable', { orderId });
await eventBus.publish(stockUnavailableEvent);

Step 5: Running the System

Start each service in separate terminals:

cd order-service && npm start
cd inventory-service && npm start
cd payment-service && npm start
cd notification-service && npm start

Create an order using Postman or curl:

curl -X POST http://localhost:3001/orders \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "userId": "user123", "items": [{ "productId": "PROD1", "quantity": 2 }] }'

Advanced Features

  1. Dead Letter Queues (DLQs): Capture unprocessed messages for debugging.
  • await eventBus.subscribe(['events.dlx'], async (event) => { console.warn('Dead Letter Message:', event); });



Abdou-Raouf ATARMLA
Abdou-Raouf ATARMLA

Written by Abdou-Raouf ATARMLA


Software Engineer and AI Enthousiast

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